Showing posts with label Mix bots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mix bots. Show all posts

Nimbuzz chat room bot collection

Tbot : This bot welcome all user and bot admin can control all the function of a room. This bot also includes Math quizz
Tushar quizz bot is only for quizz
* Love bot: This bot is used to calculate love score among 2 person and is used in the Nimbuzz chat room
  1. Tbot lite (with wc,quizz,banbot) works with symbol room
  2. Khiladi advance robot
  3. Tbot : This bot welcome all user and bot admin can control all the function of a room. This bot also includes Math quizz
  4. Tushar quizz bot is only for quizz
  5. Love bot: This bot is used to calculate love score among 2 person and is used in the Nimbuzz chat room
  6. Ban bot : This bot is used to ban flood id
  7. Banbot 4 plus: Auto ban all flood in a room using spy
  8. Racebot
  9. Admin bot 
  10. Drakula mini bot
  11. Raja bot
  12. Sniper 10 id bot
  13. Quiz bot by nms
  14. Nuke auto bot for nimbuzz chat room v 1.0
  15. Iranbuzz bot demo version